
Showing posts with label Infinity Blade 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Infinity Blade 2. Show all posts

Parry All Attacks Gem

The Parry All Attacks Gem can only be won from Rare Gem Wheels. Although it is sometimes included in $50,000 gem wheels, it cannot be obtained. It has the ability is to parry any attack including shield bashes and monstrosity attacks. It can be only equipped with dual weapons, and can be sold for $500,000.
The Parry All gem does not have a definite recipe; the gem is created randomly. The easiest way to get it is to buy a Rare Gem Wheel, as the gem dosen't have an actual recipe. If you want to forge one, try including at least one high value dual gem. The recipe pictured in the gallery has a high chance of producing the Parry All Attacks gem, but the ingredients needed may be hard to find.

Another way: On magic get shield(110) , light attack gem(400) , On magic get shield (104) In that order. Also: there is a chance you'll get it when combining 3 rare dual xp gems.

Cách luyện Rainbow Attack Gems

Vào đề luôn, khỏi dài dòng. Rainbow Defense Gem thì ai cũng biết rồi, còn để có Rainbow Attack thì hơi khó. Dưới đây là cách để có nó (không những 1 viên mà những 2 viên Dark & Light luôn)

Cách luyện Rainbow Attack Gems (Dark & Light):

1. Forge 3 cái +400 Shock Attack Gems => Rare Shock Gem
2. Forge 3 cái +400 Poison Attack Gems => Rare Poison Gem
3. Forge 3 cái +400 Wind Attack Gems => Rare Wind Gem

=> Forge 3 cái Rare trên theo thứ tự: Shock - Poison - Wind => Rare DarkFire Gem